What The Heck Is A FejjMo?

This question comes up every single time I say FejjMo, no matter the context, so let me clear this up.

When I was a pre-teen growing up in Windsor Heights, Iowa, the kids I hung out with must have been easily bored, which led to the birth of FejjMo. Near as I can recollect, its origins are in Pig Latin (truly one of the underrated romance languages) but with a variant. Instead of moving the first letter of each word to the end and tacking on an ‘ay’ sound to the end of said word — dog then become og-day — we spelled and pronounced the word backwards and, perhaps as a homage to Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong, we added Mo to the end of that. Therefore, dog became GodMo.

When it came to my first name, I convoluted things just a tad more. By strict rules, my first name would be ‘FfejMo’ but I thought the two F’s looked ridiculous and adding an extra lower-case j adding some symmetry to the whole affair.

Thus, FejjMo was born.

A bit childish? Maybe, but it’s a happy childhood memory for me. After all, I did name my publishing company after that warm, fuzzy reminiscence!

Photo taken around the time FejjMo was coined and the grass was green. That’s FejjMo on the left, with his brother KciRMo.