This question comes up every single time I say FejjMo, no matter the context, so let me clear this up.
When I was a pre-teen growing up in Windsor Heights, Iowa, the kids I hung out with must have been easily bored, which led to the birth of FejjMo. Near as I can recollect, its origins are in Pig Latin (truly one of the underrated romance languages) but with a variant. Instead of moving the first letter of each word to the end and tacking on an ‘ay’ sound to the end of said word — dog then become og-day — we spelled and pronounced the word backwards and, perhaps as a homage to Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong, we added Mo to the end of that. Therefore, dog became GodMo.
When it came to my first name, I convoluted things just a tad more. By strict rules, my first name would be ‘FfejMo’ but I thought the two F’s looked ridiculous and adding an extra lower-case j adding some symmetry to the whole affair.
Thus, FejjMo was born.
A bit childish? Maybe, but it’s a happy childhood memory for me. After all, I did name my publishing company after that warm, fuzzy reminiscence!